Thursday, January 21, 2016

Romans 8:18

Lately I’ve been listening to the song Truce by Twenty One Pilots at least once a day. Why have I been drawn to this piece so much?

My life has been in a grand transition for the past six months and I’m still trying to figure out what God truly has in store. I’ve encountered a lot of grief and hardship from within myself, my peers, and my loved ones. I’m trying to understand how my mind works (like not being able to focus on anything until I’ve written this post) and battle my own worst enemy—myself. I’ve prayed about circumstances that I could never even fathom being in and my heart has ached for the world around me. We do not have it easy.

However, there is hope in our trials and tribulations. Hope: “that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.” That hope is our Heavenly Father and his promises. One of my favorite verses that I’ve had to share with many people lately has been Philippians 4:7, which declares: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

As for “Truce,” I think it gives me consolation that the present circumstances are worth it. Twenty One Pilots, this band of two, has been a great solace for me as I’ve dealt with the stress of college, tried to figure out God’s plan for me, and began counseling for my anxiety. “Truce” has a brief message, but it’s a great one. We are going to struggle and go through pain, but let’s not shy away from the misery and look at our whole life with pride.

Let’s not forget the significance of our daily life: sharing the joy and hope we have found in Christ.
“Take pride in what is sure to die.”
Watch: Truce
